Teeth Whitening Procedure: The Most Effective Methods In Tuzla
Have you noticed that white teeth are usually healthy and healthy teeth are typically white? Of course, there are many indicators of healthy teeth, but whiteness is one of the most prominent features of healthy teeth. So, how do we get white teeth?
This article will examine the teeth whitening methods used and recommended in dentistry. In particular, we will examine teeth whitening in Tuzla, where dental clinics and dentist offices are concentrated in Istanbul. In addition to teeth whitening and teeth polishing techniques, this article will also look at the reasons why people whiten their teeth and some important points to consider about teeth whitening.
Reasons For Teeth Whitening
Patients usually seek teeth whitening for one or more of the following reasons:
As people age, the enamel becomes thinner, and the relatively darker layer of dentin under the enamel becomes visible. This urges a considerable number of people to have teeth whitening treatment.
Dietary Factors
Alcoholic beverages, especially red wine, coffee, tea, and cigarettes can trigger or accelerate the formation of stains on teeth.
Some Medications
Some antihistamines and antibiotic medications can damage the natural whiteness of teeth. Especially, long-term medication use may require teeth whitening.
Genetic Predisposition
Enamel can be thicker or thinner depending on genetic factors. People with thin enamel are more likely to have discoloration on their teeth.
What Are The Common Teeth Whitening Methods?
Teeth whitening methods are divided into two home applications and office (clinical) applications. These methods are as follows:
Home Teeth Whitening Methods
The most common teeth whitening methods that patients can apply at home are as follows:
- Whitening toothpaste: It is the most practical and common home teeth whitening method.
- Whitening mouthwashes: Some mouthwashes can help whiten teeth thanks to their special formula.
- Whitening strips: The desired whiteness can be achieved by gluing whitening strips to the tooth surface.
- Gel application prescribed by the dentist: You can apply a whitening gel, which is usually applied in the office, or at home with the advice of your dentist.
Office Type Teeth Whitening Applications
Teeth cleaning and whitening applications performed by professionals in dental clinics or dentist offices are as follows:
- Laser Whitening
Before going to the office for laser whitening, the patient is asked to brush their teeth. In the office, lips and gums are covered with a protective apparatus to prevent any damage. Then a special gel is applied to the teeth. After a while, the laser light is applied to teeth at intervals. This process continues until the teeth reach the desired cleanliness and color. The procedure is usually completed in one session and patients are advised to stay away from foods and drinks that will stain for a day.
After the laser whitening procedure, the whiteness of the teeth can be permanent for 1-3 years depending on the patient’s dental care at home.
- Zoom Whitening
Zoom whitening is very similar to the laser method. The dentist applies whitening gel to the teeth and activates this gel with a special beam in both techniques While a relatively more intense infrared beam is used in traditional laser treatment, weaker beams are used in the zoom method. While the laser method targets an individual tooth, the zoom method provides a complete cleaning.
While 3 sessions of 15 minutes are usually recommended to achieve the desired whiteness in the Zoom method, a single session is usually sufficient for laser whitening.
- Hybrid Whitening
As the name suggests, hybrid teeth whitening is a whitening method that can be applied both at home and in the office. In this method, the dentist prepares a teeth whitening tray tailored for your teeth. He puts teeth-whitening chemicals such as hydrogen peroxide into this tray. The patient is asked to wear this whitening tray on their teeth for about an hour a day. In this method, the patient has to come to the office periodically to check the tray and the progress of whitening.
What Are The Most Effective Teeth Whitening Methods In Tuzla?
Tuzla is a district where dentists and dental clinics are densely located. You can get world-class dental treatment services in these clinics. As for teeth whitening methods, you can easily access laser whitening, zoom whitening, or hybrid whitening methods.
Melsadent Oral and Dental Health Polyclinic is a dental clinic in Tuzla that you can choose with peace of mind for teeth whitening and all other dental treatments. In our clinic, many personalized treatment options are offered with the most advanced technologies. Our professional dentists and technical staff are experienced and competent in their fields. If you are considering teeth whitening at home, you can come to Melsadent and get advice from our experts.
What Should I Pay Attention To After Teeth Whitening?
Especially after office-type whitening methods, your teeth reach a visible whiteness and brightness. However, the permanence of this effect is closely related to the care after the whitening process. Here are some points you should pay attention to after teeth whitening:
- Avoid foods that give color such as tea, coffee, cigarettes, and alcohol
- Tooth sensitivity may occur after whitening. Avoid cold and hot foods that increase sensitivity.
- Do not neglect brushing, flossing, and using mouthwashes for tooth cleaning.
- Do not neglect your regular dentist visits.
Who Is Suitable For Teeth Whitening?
Patients who want to have teeth whitening must meet the following prerequisites:
- The patient must have healthy teeth and gums.
- The patient must have moderate or less discoloration of the teeth.
- The patient must have realistic expectations before the procedure.
- The patient’s oral hygiene must be suitable for the whitening procedure.
- The tooth to be whitened should not have crowns, veneers, or fillings.
- The patient’s tooth enamel must not be worn down.
- The patient should not be pregnant or a nursing mother.